Metro Weekly

Flight nurse Margaret Witt can’t wait to return to unit after win against gay military ban [video]

”Oh, absolutely. I can’t wait to get back to my unit and be with my unit members. They’re a wonderful group…. It was very heartfelt. [The judge] spoke to me directly. I think he really understands the impact that it has on everyone around you, particularly family…. I was are that I wasn’t going to tell. They weren’t going to ask me. But I really wasn’t aware that the third party could out me at anytime.”

Air Force Major Margaret Witt speaking with Rachel Maddow about her recently won court case. The US District Judge Ronald Leighton ruled that the government could not show any important reason why she should have been expelled under “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” She was discharged in 2006 after being outed by a man in 2004.  (Rachel Maddow / MSNBC)

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