Metro Weekly

Fourth young man says anti-gay televangelist, Eddie Long, coerced him into sex [video]

44. Defendant Long would become angry if Plaintiff LeGrande failed to call Plaintiff Long on a frequent basis.

45. Defendant Long told Plaintiff LeGrande to call him ”Dad.”

48. On July 26, 2005, when Plaintiff LeGrande was seventeen (17) years old, Plaintiff LeGrande departed with Defendant Long on an eight day trip to Kenya, with stops in London (the “Kenya Trip”).

51. Plaintiff LeGrande told Defendant Long that he was having trouble falling asleep.

52. Defendant Long provided Plaintiff LeGrande the drug known as Ambien and told him it would help him fall asleep.

56. Following the prolonged hug, Defendant Long kissed Plaintiff LeGrande on the lips, licked Plaintiff LeGrande’s lips in a circular fashion, and rubbed Plaintiff LeGrande’s chest.

61. Defendant Long engaged in intimate sexual contact with Plaintiff LeGrande each night in Kenya, including kissing and licking on the lips, touching Plaintiff LeGrande’s chest, and sleeping in the same bed.

63. Defendant Long introduced Plaintiff LeGrande to Winny Mandela on the Johannesburg Trip.

67. During the Johannesburg Trip, Defendant Long engaged in intimate sexual contact with Plaintiff LeGrande.

72. During the Zimbabwe-Kenya Trip, Defendant Long and Plaintiff LeGrande slept in the same bed.

73. During the Zimbabwe-Kenya Trip, Defendant Long engaged in intimate sexual contact with Plaintiff LeGrande.

77. Defendant Long told Plaintiff LeGrande that he expected Plaintiff LeGrande to go to school, keep up with his Armor Bearer duties, attend church, and have no girlfriends.

83. After approximately one to two months, Defendant Long placed Plaintiff LeGrande in a home located at 1024 Harwell Street, in Atlanta, Georgia (the “Harwell House”).

89. Defendant LeGrande would engage in intimate sexual contact with Plaintiff LeGrande at the Harwell House.

94. Defendant Long would visit Plaintiff LeGrande at the Community Center.

95. Defendant LeGrande would engage in intimate sexual contact with Plaintiff LeGrande at the Community Center.

100. Defendant Long would not visit Plaintiff LeGrande at the Northside Apartment because he had a roomate.

101. Defendant Long would instead direct Plaintiff LeGrande to meet him at other locations where Defendant Long would engage in intimate sexual contact with Plaintiff LeGrande.

104. Defendant Long would occasionally ask Plaintiff LeGrande to go with him to a house located on Huntsman Bend in Decatur, Georgia (the “Huntsman Bend House”).

105. Defendant Long would engage in intimate sexual contact with Plaintiff LeGrande at the Huntsman Bend House, including “dry humping,” kissing, and caressing.

106. On or about October 11, 2008, Defendant Long took Plaintiff LeGrande to his private office at Defendant New Birth Missionary Baptist Church (the “Private Office”).

108. On or about October 11, 2008, Defendant Long engaged in intimate sexual contact with Plaintiff LeGrande in the Private Office, including dry humping, kissing, and caressing.

114. From the Spring of 2009 through October 2009, Defendant Long occasionally had intimate sexual relations with Plaintiff LeGrande.

From a lawsuit filed by Spencer LeGrand, 22, who is the fourth young man to say he was coerced into having sex with Eddie Long, a prosperity preaching televangelist who is based in the Atlanta, Georgia area. The details of this suit are much longer than the previous three, all of which have been released over the past several days. (

Photos surfaced, too, of Long taking bodyshots of himself. They are said to have been sent by Long to an unspecified young man who turned the photos over to the lawyer representing the plaintiffs.

Eddie Long has preached repeatedly against homosexuality and even led a march involving thousands of people against gay marriages.

The men all say they became well-acquainted with Long when they were in their mid-teens. And after they passed 16 (the age of consent), they claim Bishop Long coerced and manipulated them into a “covenant” relationship where they were led into having sex. In return, he would provide them with cars, trips, access to celebrities, cash, jewelry, tutition, and housing. No criminal charges have been filed and Long and representatives of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church say the charges are not true. Two of the young men have been charged with robbing Long’s office of very expensive jewelry and electronic devices. 

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