Metro Weekly

Mostly gay and gay-friendly candidates winning in DC Primary Election

Fenty v. GrayAs of early Wednesday morning (with 80%+ of the votes in), the unofficial count of the District of Columbia‘s Primary Election show encumbents holding on to their Council seats. (

Clark Ray took in 9% of the vote, but Phil Mendelson appears to have maintained his seat as Chairman of the Council.

Current Mayor Adrian Fenty is slightly trailing the current Council Chairman Vincent Gray in the heated the race for Mayor.

Two gay Republicans did win in their Wards, though they had run unopposed. Several of the races had no Republican candidate filed, including the race for Mayor. But there is one interesting twist that Republican voters may have pulled off: They may have placed Adrian Fenty as the write-in Republican candidate for Mayor. If Fenty were to accept such a nomination, he could again face off with Vincent Gray.

The final General Election is set for November 2, 2010.

Come back to Metro Weekly again for more on this year’s election results from DC, Maryland and Virginia along with opinons of what the results may mean for this area’s LGBT community.

Currently, the winning District candidates for most of the contests are:

Delegate to the US House of Representatives

Eleanor Holmes Norton (D) = 90%
Missy Reilly Smith (R) = 87%
Rick Tingling-Clemmons (SG) = 44%

Mayor of the District of Columbia

Vincent Gray (D) = 53%
“Write-in” (R) = 100%
“Write-in” (SG) = 60%

Chairman of the Council of the District of Columbia

Kwame Brown (D) = 55%
“Write-in” (R) = 100%
Ann Wilcox (SG) = 83%

At-Large Member of the Council

Phil Mendelson (D) = 63%
“Write-in” (R) = 100%
David Schwartzman (SG) = 62%

Ward 1

Jim Graham (D) =57%
Marc Morgan (R) = 76%
“Write-in” (SG) = 100%


Mary Cheh (D) = 94%
Dave Hedgepeth (R) = 93%
“Write-in” (SG) = 100%

Ward 5

Harry Tommy Thomas, Jr (D) = 62%
Tim Day (R) = 75%
“Write-in” (SG) = 100%

Ward 6

Tommy Wells = 75%
Jim DeMartino = 91%
“Write-in” (SG) = 100%

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