Metro Weekly

Singer George Michael sentenced to prison for driving on drugs [video]

George Michael leaving Highbury Corner magistrates court

”Your record is of a concern. It does not appear that you took proper steps to deal with what is clearly an addiction to cannabis. That’s a mistake which puts you and, on this occasion, the public at risk.”

District Judge John Perkins at the sentencing hearing of gay pop singer George Michael, 47. The former front man of 1980s musical group Wham! was reportedly given 8 weeks in jail, banned from driving for 5 years, and fined 1,250 pounds. Michael crashed his car on July 4, 2010, and admitted in August that he had been on drugs. The Mirror is reporting that a man who was in the prison cell when he arrived, said Michael broke down as the cell door was closed behind him. (

Police in the UK and American have picked up the singer for a number of offenses over the last dozen years. In 2008, he seemed to open up in a rather personal interview, but he does not seem to have left behind his risk-taking ways. 

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