Metro Weekly

Discharged gay soldier, Dan Choi, begins Army re-enlistment after court, Pentagon halt DADT [video]

”Initially they were unsure of the status of my being able to come back in because of the RE code — the reentry code.  And they found that I am eligible to go back in. They were a little confused because they normally don’t have officers going back to be enlisted. They said that tomorrow we’ll figure out all the medical screenings and all of the processes that are necessary.

”But what’s most important is, for all of the soldiers that want to go back, for all the soldiers that want to return to duty — now that we’re still in a time of war and soldiers are still needed — able bodied, patriotic Americans, regardless of orientation are eligible to come back and sign up to serve their country. Openly, honestly, with integrity; acknowledging their partners acknowledging, their families, acknowledging their lives as full citizens. And I encourage everybody else to do that. 

”Being in there today was absolutely exciting, absolutely vindicating, validating of our security of service — pure idealism: why somebody sacrifices and stands up, raises their hand to enlist or be an officer in the armed forces.  And I think today is a great day that we can all celebrate; not only for gay people in America, but for military, the armed forces, all of America….  

”They didn’t disintegrate in there. Their unit cohesion’s doing just fine.”

Discharged Army Lieutenant Dan Choi who went to the NYC Times Square military recruitment center to re-enlist, but this time as an openly gay citizen. An judge passed an injunction to halt all military discharges of gay soldiers, but many involved are saying current gay soldiers should not yet come out openly because the case is still not fully settled. Much discussion is being made of the judge’s decision in this court case, the Administration’s interest in defending the policy, President Barack Obama‘s insistence that Congress needs to repeal the gay ban, and the Senate’s failure to vote on a proposed measure to do so. Choi told reporters that he wanted to enter the Marines, but will be an Army specialist. (BoyCulture via YouTube)

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