Metro Weekly

Margaret Cho leaves “Dancing with the Stars” after gay pride samba [video]

”I want to be funny. Our story is serious. We wanted to celebrate pride. We wanted to show ourselves off.  It’s a tough time for the gay community. A lot of gay teenagers have committed suicide. So, we want this to end now.”

Margaret Cho on ”Dancing With The Stars” just after dancing a samba to “Copacabana.” She dressed in a rainbow dress, and her partner, Louis Van Amste,l wore a rainbow belt and socks to accent the theme of “story week.” There have been five suicides among young gay males in America the last few weeks, and another two young lesbians in Canada this week. Cho and many others have spoken out on the issue. Despite her positive message and a serious attempt to please the audience and judges, she did not get enough votes to stay in the competition. (ABC via YouTube)
On her blog, she says she will visit “The View” to do a dance. Barbara Walters just made a little boo-boo when she called Cho “openly gay.” Cho’s has said that she is bisexual, and she married Al Ridenour in 2003. 

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