Metro Weekly

Gayle King says gay question is stupid; cried during Oprah’s interview

'Nobody Can Control The Weather'

”It just so happened I was in Tasmania and it had been a very, very long day… and I was sitting there watching it. And I called her and said, ‘I’m sitting in my room crying all by myself.’ … It used to bother me, and now I say, ‘OK, if people believe it, there’s nothing we can do to change their minds. Oprah has been so outspoken and I have about my dating life, my desire to have a significant other, that it’s just silly that we would deny or hide that because it implies something is wrong. That’s what bothers me more than anything. There’s nothing wrong.”

Gayle King following up on Oprah Winfrey‘s recent interview with Barbara Walters. Oprah denied the rumors that she is a lesbian and that King. her best friend, is secret her gay lover. King is a radio talk show host. (USA Today)

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