Metro Weekly

Black and Gay: Bold billboards confront lingering objections in New York state

”I thought it would be useful and pertinent to have the campaign in the Capital Region because of the numbers for HIV and AIDS among gay black males have has risen significantly…. You have to start from a place of respect in order to address the stigma and homophobia of being a black gay man…. [Councilman Allen] is looking at his constituency as strictly being heterosexual individuals.”

Tandra LaGrone of an LGBT organization, In Our Own Voices, speaking about a series of billboards placed in Schenectady, NY. She is alarmed at the stated wishes of a City Councilman, Joseph Allen, to have the billboards taken down because it conveys the message of “approval on a gay lifestyle” to kids being raised by single mothers. Three poster designs feature gay black men with the bold headline “I Am Gay” and a tag line “This is Where I Play,” “This Is Where I Stay,” and “This Is Where I Pray.” An area preacher is quoted as saying about the billboards that he hates what God hates. (Times Union)

”As soon as you can get those messages out, and you can have a dialogue, I think that creates an environment where race, sexuality, gender, are not taboo subjects.”

Roderick Rogers speaking with WTEN News 10 about the “I Am Gay” billboards placed by In Our Own Voices in New York. (WTEN)

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