Metro Weekly

L.A. Times: California High Court to Make Prop 8 Case Decision Today

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The Los Angeles Times reports:

The California Supreme Court will decide Wednesday whether to plunge back into the legal battle over same-sex marriage.

The state high court, meeting in closed session, will review a request by the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals to determine whether Proposition 8’s sponsors have legal authority to defend the ballot measure.

Metro Weekly reported earlier that California Supreme Court Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye had said that decision could come at any time now.

Metro Weekly will be following any developments closely.

[UPDATE @ 1:55 PM: Some “unpublished” opinions from today have been posted on California Supreme Court website. There is nothing, yet, on the question of whether the court will accept the certified question from the Ninth Circuit relating to standing in the Proposition 8 Perry v. Schwarzenegger case. The court has not yet published any list of new cases accepted, which could still come later today and include the decision on the certified question.]

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