Metro Weekly

Mahatma Gandhi was bisexual? [video]

A new biography about Mahatma Mohandas Gandhi called ‘Great Soul’ allegedly contains the claim that the famous peace activist had a significant man crush on a “Jewish-German architect and bodybuilder,” Hermann Kallenbach.

For this and other reasons, the book has been banned in part of India where Gandhi was born. The book’s author, Joseph Lelyveld, reportedly replied that he does not use the word bisexual to describe Gandhi. The Wall Street Journal refers to Kallenbach the as “the love of [Gandhi’s] life” and that Gandhi had left his wife to be with Kallenbach:

Gandhi wrote to Kallenbach about “how completely you have taken ­possession of my body. This is slavery with a vengeance.” Gandhi nicknamed himself “Upper House” and Kallenbach “Lower House,” and he made Lower House promise not to “look lustfully upon any woman.” The two then pledged “more love, and yet more love . . . such love as they hope the world has not yet seen.”

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