Metro Weekly

Victoria Jackson, the “Saturday Night Live” alum who’s proudly hating on the gays

”This new al-Qaida magazine for women has beauty tips and suicide-bomber tips! Gimme a break! That is as ridiculous as two men kissing on the mouth! And I don’t care what is politically correct. Everyone knows that two men on a wedding cake is a comedy skit, not an ‘alternate lifestyle’! There I said it! Ridiculous.

“Did you see ‘Glee’ this week? Sickening! And, besides shoving the gay thing down our throats, they made a mockery of Christians – again! I wonder what their agenda is? Hey, producers of ‘Glee’ – what’s your agenda? One-way tolerance?”

Victoria Jackson, writing for the ultra-conservative, anti-gay website WorldNetDaily. (WorldNetDaily)

Jackson’s claim to fame is that she appeared on the late-night comedy show Saturday Night Live from 1986-1992. Her mostly forgotten skits on that show usually centered around being a “dumb blonde” or quirky airhead.

She fell off the media’s radar screen for many years, but reinvented herself during the last election cycle as a conservative, Tea Party spokesperson. She now uses her baby-talk voice to call President Barack Obama a communist and Hillary Clinton a socialist. She complains about atheists and, in this WorldNetDaily column, claiming that Christianity is under attack while Islam is somehow being celebrated by people she dislikes.

Some observers thought her rants were a joke at first — a continuation of her silly SNL characters. But as her Fox News, televangelist and political rally appearances continued, it became clear she was quite serious — an outspoken activst and new darling of the far right.

Even with all of that, many gay rights supporters are disgusted that she’s opted to be part of the cesspool that breeds anti-gay bigotry.

According to a drag queen named Diabolique, Jackson has been quoting anti-gay religious beliefs since 1999. She labeled homosexuality a sin while simultaneously claiming that her two best friends were gay. (House of Diabolique)

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