[Image, above: A screen capture from the top of the Republican National Committee’s new website, “Hope Isn’t Hiring,” which takes aim at President Obama’s record in office.]
With the launch of President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign, a response from the Republican National Committee was to be expected.
“Hope Isn’t Hiring,” a new site launched by the RNC includes a page of talking points on social issues, taking aim several times at Obama’s record on LGBT equality.
Among the topics are “Despite It Being The Law Of The Land, Obama Refused To Continue To Defend The Defense Of Marriage Act In Court”; “Obama Repealed Don’t Ask Don’t Tell While U.S. Troops Are Still On The Battlefield”; and “Obama Opposed California’s Prop 8 And Has Expanded Government Recognition Of Same-Sex Couples.”
Regarding the government recognition of same-sex couples, the RNC specifically targets hospital visitation rights, noting “Obama Issued An Executive Order Allowing Same Sex Couples Hospital Visitation Rights.”
The RNC also claims in that section of the new site that “Obama Has Been Acting On Policy Recommendations From The Human Rights Campaign Since Taking Office.”
HRC’s president, Joe Solmonese, responded quickly, saying in a statement, “It’s just mind-boggling that with all of the challenges that face us as Americans, the Republican Party apparatus would resort to this demeaning fundraising stunt so that the red-meat crowd will become energized. The garbage on this website makes it quite clear that the party continues to misread the priorities of the American people. Hate is never a winning strategy.”
Clarke Cooper, the head of Log Cabin Republicans, has been saying that the Republican Party and its chairman, Reince Priebus, isn’t going to focus on social issues, and yet almost every issue celebrated by LGBT organizations — including LCR in almost all of those situations — is being targeted by the RNC as examples of Obama’s failings.
Christian Berle, deputy executive director of LCR, talked with Metro Weekly about this new RNC effort, saying, “This is not in line with the conversations we have had with the Chairman’s office, who has very much indicated that he wants to work to reach out to gay and lesbian voters and work closely with Log Cabin, which is in juxtaposition to the position the RNC took today.
“This messaging is not a winner for the RNC either as a fundraising tool or as a means of getting out the vote,” Berle added. “We’re waiting to get a response from the Chairman’s office.”
[Image, below: A screen capture from one of the talking points of the Republican National Committee’s new website, “Hope Isn’t Hiring,” which takes aim at President Obama’s record in office. ]