Metro Weekly

I Want Candy: Beautiful Darling

Beautiful Darling Anton Perich 01

An early transsexual celebrity, Candy Darling (nee James Slattery) became a downtown New York fixture in the ’60s and went on to become part of Andy Warhol’s legendary Factory, starring in two of his shocking movies, Flesh and Women In Revolt. Tennessee Williams cast her in his play Small Craft Warnings, and she might have gone on to become a bigger actress had she not died of lymphoma in the early ’70s at the age of 29. James Rasin’s documentary Beautiful Darling pays tribute through the use of both current and vintage interviews, excerpts from Darling’s own diaries and letters and vintage footage of Candy and her crew. Opens Friday, May 20. West End Cinema, 2301 M St. NW. Call 202-419-FILM or visit

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