Metro Weekly

Lady Gaga, parents and friends of Jamey Rodemeyer confront bullying of gay kids

After hearing about the suicide of 14-year-old Jamey Rodemeyer, singer and activist Lady Gaga took to her twitter account to express her dismay. She also called for laws to be passed to help prevent future bullying (Twitter/LadyGaga):

The past days I’ve spent reflecting, crying, and yelling. I have so much anger. It is hard to feel love when cruelty takes someones life.

Jamey Rodemeyer, 14 yrs old, took his life because of bullying. Bullying must become be illegal. It is a hate crime.

I am meeting with our President. I will not stop fighting. This must end. Our generation has the power to end it. Trend it #MakeALawForJamey

Jamey’s parents. Tim and Tracy Rodemeyer, also took to the airwaves to speak out against the bullying Jamey suffered and their belief that he had begun to rise above it.

WGRZ-TV2 reports that Amherst police are conducting a preliminary investigation into the bullying claims which could result in charges of harrassment.

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