Metro Weekly

Horsenet Horse Rescue’s Fall Festival

Maryland Secretary of Public Safety Gary Maynard and members of the Mt. Airy Volunteer Fire Company and local State Police will appear as special guests of HorseNet Horse Rescue’s annual fall festival and open house. The real stars of the event, though, are the horses, mules and ponies, about 50 in all, and all rescued from abusive or neglectful situations and currently being rehabilitated. Attendees of the event can tour the all-volunteer farm and meet, treat and greet — that is, groom — the lovely equines. There will also be pony rides and pumpkin decorating for children, and a silent auction and “fat suit sumo wrestling” for adults. An all-around great day for a great cause. Saturday, Oct. 22, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. HorseNet Horse Rescue, 14001 Mattie Haines Rd. Mt. Airy, Md. Call 301-637-2478 or visit

Metro Weekly

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