Metro Weekly

Mark Bingham’s mother calls out Carson Daly for joke about gays fighting high jackers

“He also was known for careening down the rugby pitch, and, on the morning of September 11, 2001, for charging unarmed down the aisle of a doomed Boeing 757 to face knife-wielding Islamist thugs in a hijacked cockpit. No one among his pick-up team of fellow passengers was asking ‘Are you straight? Are you gay?’”

Alice Hoagland, mother of Mark Binghmam — one of the passengers on United 93 who on 9/11 helped bring down the highjacked plane bound for D.C. into a Pennsylvania field — in a letter to radio host Carson Daly. On Wednesday, March 28, Daly joked about a recent incident, in which a Jet Blue pilot’s deranged outburst was stopped by passengers, that, “My luck, it would be like, ‘This is the flight going to [the gay pride parade] in San Francisco’ … ‘Uh, we’re headed down to Vegas for the floral convention.’…. ‘Can we get a little help up here with the pilot?’ ‘Oh, Nooo!’…. ‘No thank you. Handle it.’”

Daly’s comments brought an immediate backlash and he apologized that afternoon on Twitter: “This morning on my radio show I attempted to make fun of myself & offended others by mistake. I sincerely apologize.” (Entertainment Weekly)

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