Metro Weekly

Parade and Festival Maps

Capital Pride 2012

The 2012 Capital Pride Parade and Festival will be held Saturday, June 9 and Sunday, June 10. Both events will take place at the same locations as they have in recent years. Visit the official web site for more information.

The 2012 Capital Pride Parade

Saturday, June 9, 2012
Kick Off at 4:30 pm.
Route begins at 22nd & P Streets, NW.
Route ends at 14th & N Streets, NW.

Click for a large GIF of the Parade route, or a full PDF download (3MB).

Pride 2012 Parade Map

The 2012 Capital Pride Festival

Sunday, June 10, 2012
From 11 am – 6 pm.
Located on Pennsylvania Ave, between 3rd and 7th Streets NW.
$5 donation encouraged. 

Click for a large GIF of the Festival location, or a full PDF download (8MB).

Pride 2012 Festival Map

Capital Pride Information at Metro Weekly Parade and Festival Maps Pride Attractions JD Sampson DJs party at Howard Theater DC Cowboys' last appearance Putting Pride Together 5 Heroes of Capital Pride 10 Years of Pride Photos Video Memories Reason for the Season

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