Metro Weekly

From Europe, With Culture

Seven European Exhibits You Should Not Miss

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A visit to Europe is certain to satiate any artistic or historical craving you may have. European museums, in particular, are temples to the greatness of its people, not only of their conquests, discoveries and explorations, but also their artists, their manufacturers, the people who took what it meant to be European — to be human — and distilled it into works distributed to the world for all to enjoy.

To the discerning traveller, such a wealth of cultured content can be overwhelming. But we’re here to help. After you’ve finished with the Louvre, the Tate Modern and the Vatican Museums, we offer seven more exhibits no current European trip is complete without. You haven’t experienced Europe until you’ve paid these quirky, incredible exhibits a visit. Read on. Europe’s waiting.

150 Years of Gustav Klimt

Belvedere Palace

Austrian symbolist painter Gustav Klimt’s most influential works focus primarily on the female form. His gold-leaf paintings are particularly exquisite, gifting his subjects an extra layer of life and emphasising the eroticism in many of his pieces — in itself a refreshing change to the norm. Celebrating 150 years since his birth, the Belvedere in Vienna — which possesses the world’s largest collection of Klimt pieces – is showcasing works spanning the artist’s career, including many of his greatest masterpieces, such as the tender, gold-wrapped passion of “The Kiss” (1908), and the breathtaking, sensual “Judith” (1901). The special exhibition ends Jan. 6, 2013.

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