Metro Weekly

BMW M5 drifts for 51 miles, sets world record

BMW has just dethroned Red Bull as title holders of the world’s longest continuous drift — and by a considerable margin. Red Bull managed an impressive 6.9-miles when they drifted a car in Abu Dhabi, but BMW, on a wet track at their Performance Driving School, managed to keep sliding the tires for 1 hour and 40 minutes, racking up 51.3 miles of constant sideways action.

While special commendation should be given to the hands and feet of driver Johan Schwartz, as well as the patience of those who had to stand and watch the M5 make 323 circuits of the skid pan, it’s charities who will benefit most from the feat. Thanks to numerous sponsors, BMW was able to raise more than $20,000, which will be dispersed between 150 charities.

So, next time you take a corner too quickly on a wet day, why not consider following in BMW’s tire marks and dropping a little cash into your favorite charity? It won’t get you closer to experiencing the thrill of driving a 560 horsepower M5, but it will clean your conscience in time for the next bout of road rage at that idiot driver in the inside lane.

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