Metro Weekly

Coverboy: Brian

Locally Grown

Coverboy: Brian

Coverboy: Brian

(Photo by Julian Vankim)

What would you serve?
Some kind of steak dinner, with lots of alcohol.

How would you describe your dream guy?
Tall, good-looking, with maybe some scruff and pretty eyes.

Define good in bed.
I like it a couple of different ways. Passionate, really getting into it; and then maybe a little rougher. But nothing too crazy.

Who should star in a movie about your life?
Josh Hutcherson. We have very similar facial features.

Who was your first celebrity crush?
Aaron Carter.

Who gets on your nerves?
People who don’t know how to drive.

If your home was burning, what’s the first thing you’d grab while leaving?
My phone, my wallet and all my jewelry.

Do you have a lot of jewelry?
I have a bunch of designer watches, so I’d grab the whole case and bring it with me.

What’s your biggest turn-on?
A good kisser.

What’s your biggest turn-off?
A bad kisser.

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