Metro Weekly

Victory Fund Endorses Catania for Mayor

National LGBT leadership organization endorses gay councilmember ahead of potential D.C. mayoral run

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D.C. Councilmember David Catania (I-At Large) has gotten a big-name endorsement, even before he officially announcing any candidacy.

The Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund, the nation’s largest resource for out LGBT individuals in politics, announced Tuesday it is endorsing Catania, who has only so far begun an exploratory committee, for his possible campaign to become the District’s first out gay mayor.

As an independent, Catania faces no primary and therefore does not have to announce his intentions until after the District’s four major parties hold their primaries. But while Catania has said he’ll run if incumbent Mayor Vincent Gray (D) wins the Democratic primary, he has declined to say whether he will run if another Democrat wins.

”David Catania brings an incredible amount of passion and commitment to his job,” says Torey Carter, chief operating officer at the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund. ”He has helped guide Washington through an unprecedented period of growth and revitalization. He is ideally positioned to lead a city with such diverse and dynamic people.”

The Victory Fund also cited Catania’s legislative record since he was first elected to the D.C. Council in 1997, citing his work on school reform, linking District residents with health insurance, and passing marriage equality. The organization, which supports electing and appointing qualified LGBT people to different levels of political office, is expected to endorse nearly 200 candidates throughout the country for the 2014 cycle.

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