Metro Weekly

Ted Cruz: Ignore my homophobia, ISIS are killing gay people

Ted Cruz really doesn't want questions about his views on gay rights

“ISIS is executing homosexuals — you want to talk about gay rights?”

Ted Cruz - Credit: Gage Skidmore/flickr
Ted Cruz – Credit: Gage Skidmore/flickr

–Senator Ted Cruz (R., Texas), speaking with reporters in Beaumont, Texas while on a campaign tour of the state. Cruz is one of several Republican presidential candidates and fielded questions from the media, several of which concerned his opposition to same-sex marriage and equal rights for LGBT people.

“Is there something about the left — and I am going to put the media in this category — that is obsessed with sex?” Cruz responded, after several similar questions on gay rights. “ISIS is executing homosexuals — you want to talk about gay rights? This week was a very bad week for gay rights because the expansion of ISIS, the expansion of radical, theocratic, Islamic zealots that crucify Christians, that behead children and that murder homosexuals — that ought to be concerning you far more than asking six questions all on the same topic.”

Cruz isn’t concerned that his views — which include believing that homosexuality is a choice, that politicians shouldn’t march in gay pride parades, that President Obama’s approval of marriage is an “assault” on “faith and freedom,” and that gays are using “brute force” to get marriage equality — will impact his chances with moderate voters. He also chastised a reporter for “drawing your questions from MSNBC,” as they “are a radical and extreme partisan outlet.” No confirmation on whether Cruz shares the same view of Fox News.

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