Metro Weekly

DC Kings End 15-Year Reign

Kendra Kuliga retires her beloved DC Kings on Sunday

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The DC Kings | Photo courtesy Kendra Kuliga
The DC Kings | Photo courtesy Kendra Kuliga

This weekend the DC Kings will go out with a bang, a final farewell show at Bier Baron Tavern that’s already sold out. Nearly 20 years after Kendra Kuliga began dressing in drag on a dare from a friend, and 15 years since she started what reigns as the world’s longest-running drag king troupe, the performer known as Ken Vegas is officially retiring her crown. While she expects to continue doing drag here and there, especially in partnership with her wife, who is known as local belly dance artist Belladonna, Kuliga wants to focus most of her free time on growing her graphic design company, Cielo Productions.

In addition to birthing the DC Gurly Show, the DC Kings helped inspire countless people to be more comfortable with who they are and how they present, including helping a handful muster the courage to come out as transgender. Kuliga would love to see another person or entity start a similar gender-bending organization as the DC Kings.

“We spent 15 years creating an environment for our members to be their authentic selves in a respectful and supportive space,” she says.

The DC Kings Final Drag King Show is Sunday, Sept. 20, at 6 p.m., at Bier Baron Tavern, 1523 22nd St. NW. Sold out. Call 202-293-1887 or visit

See all of our photos from DC Kings’ final show here:

DC Kings Final Show - Photo: Ward Morrison
DC Kings Final Show – Photo: Ward Morrison


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