Jennifer Lawrence: Kim Davis "makes me embarrassed to be from Kentucky" - Metro Weekly
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Jennifer Lawrence: Kim Davis “makes me embarrassed to be from Kentucky”

Kentucky-born actress opines briefly on the political situation in her home state and nationally

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Jennifer Lawrence (Photo: Gage Skidmore, via Wikimedia Commons).
Jennifer Lawrence (Photo: Gage Skidmore, via Wikimedia Commons).

Jennifer Lawrence, the Louisville native famous for her roles in the Hunger Games film series and Silver Linings Playbook, told Vogue that there is one person who makes her “embarrassed to be from Kentucky.”

Shocker of all shockers (not really), it’s Kim Davis, the Rowan County Clerk who went to jail in September rather than allow her deputies to issue any marriage licenses to any couple. Davis adopted the stance as a result of the Supreme Court’s decision legalizing marriage equality, deciding to stop issuing licenses altogether rather than be accused of discriminating against same-sex couples specifically.

According to the article’s author, Jonathan Van Meter, it was Lawrence who first raised the issue of Davis, who had just been released from jail when the interview was conducted. But Lawrence won’t even refer to Davis by name.

“Don’t even say her name in this house,” Lawrence told Van Meter, before going on a rant about “all those people holding their crucifixes, which may as well be pitchforks, thinking they’re fighting the good fight. I grew up in Kentucky. I know how they are.”

In the interview, Lawrence opines briefly on other political topics, telling Vogue: “I was raised a Republican, but I just can’t imagine supporting a party that doesn’t support women’s basic rights. It’s 2015 and gay people can get married and we think that we’ve come so far, so, yay! But have we? I don’t want to stay quiet about that stuff.”

Lawrence also tells the magazine her thoughts about the upcoming 2016 presidential election in the article.

“My view on the election is pretty cut-and-dried: If Donald Trump is president of the United States, it will be the end of the world,” she says. “And he’s also the best thing to happen to the Democrats ever.”

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