Metro Weekly

BREAKING: Supreme Court will take up Gavin Grimm case

Court will review 4th Circuit ruling that transgender discrimination constitutes sex discrimination under Title IX

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Gavin Grimm - Photo: Todd Franson
Gavin Grimm – Photo: Todd Franson

The U.S. Supreme Court has announced it will review a decision by the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals involving whether transgender students in public schools have a right to use the bathroom that aligns with their gender identity.

By taking up the case of Gloucester High School student Gavin Grimm, the high court has agreed to wade into the issue of whether denying the transgender male student access to the boys’ restroom violates his rights under Title IX. In April, the Fourth Circuit decided that the Gloucester County School Board’s restroom policy for transgender students did just that.

The Supreme Court previously issued a stay of a lower court’s order that would have allowed Grimm to use the boys’ restroom as the case was litigated. That means that the stay will remain in place until the court hears the case next year. As a result, Grimm will likely be unable to use the boys’ restroom for the remainder of his senior year.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), which is representing Grimm in the case, is scheduled to hold a conference call at 5 p.m. on Friday. 

Editor’s Note: This is a breaking story. For more information and future updates, visit

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