Metro Weekly

Spotlight: Isamu Noguchi’s Archaic/Modern at the American Art Museum

74 of Isamu Noguchi's works will be on display

Noguchi: Red Lunar Fist

One of the most innovative American sculptors of the 20th century, Isamu Noguchi is the focus of a full-scale exhibition at the Smithsonian American Art Museum.

It explores how both the ancient world and the space age shaped his works, 74 of which are on display. Noguchi saw himself as equal parts artist and engineer, and the exhibition devotes special attention to his patented designs as well as iconic artworks, including monolithic basalt sculptures, fountains and floating Akari ceiling lights.

To March 19. Smithsonian American Art Museum, 8th and F Streets NW. Free. Call 202-633-1000 or visit

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