Metro Weekly

Alabama theater won’t screen “Beauty and the Beast” due to gay character

LeFou will question his feelings for Gaston in upcoming live-action remake

Photo: Walt Disney Studios
Motion Pictures

“When companies continually force their views on us we need to take a stand. If we can not take our 11-year-old granddaughter and 8-year-old grandson to see a movie we have no business watching it.”

Henagar Drive-In Theatre in Alabama, in a Facebook post announcing that they will not be screening Disney’s live-action remake of Beauty and the Beast due to the inclusion of an LGBTQ character.

It was revealed this week that LeFou, Gastons’s manservant will struggle with his sexuality. Bill Condon, the film’s director, told Attitude magazine that LeFou will question his feelings for Gaston.

β€œLeFou is somebody who on one day wants to be Gaston and on another day wants to kiss Gaston,” Condon said, adding: “I don’t want to give away. But it is a nice, exclusively gay moment in a Disney movie.”

The Alabama drive-in’s new owners apparently don’t approve.

“If I can’t sit through a movie with God or Jesus sitting by me then we have no business showing it,” they wrote. “I know there will be some that do not agree with this decision. That’s fine. We are first and foremost Christians. We will not compromise on what the Bible teaches.

“We will continue to show family oriented films so you can feel free to come watch wholesome movies without worrying about sex, nudity, homosexuality and foul language.”

Josh Gad as LeFou and Luke Evans as Gaston, Photo: Walt Disney Studios
Motion Pictures

Of course, some in the comments noted the hypocrisy of Henagar’s words.

Nessa Baker wrote: “‘When companies continually force their views on us we need to take a stand.’ So….. Henagar Drive-In Theater, a company is forcing it’s views on customers by [choosing] to make this post and [refusing] to show this movie. “

Ted Geoghegan added: “I’m excited to see you’ve got the new Pirates of the Caribbean film opening in May, featuring bisexual pirate Jack Sparrow. You people are shameful.”

Read the full post below:

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