Metro Weekly

Morgan Monceaux: Black Leatherman’s Journal at the Baltimore Eagle

A retrospective of the late artist’s work, presented by the Baltimore Eagle

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Baltimore Eagle: Morgan Monceaux, Love-Never-Dies

“Pages from a Leatherman’s Journal” is the full title of a retrospective of the late artist’s work, presented by the Baltimore Eagle in another exhibition in its upstairs gallery space.

Born in Louisiana in 1945 and a Vietnam War veteran, Monceaux was a self-taught painter who created works mostly in the form of series to better tell one story across paintings. His 1992 series of presidential portraits, “George to George,” was featured in the New Yorker as well as in a display at Washington National Airport.

And his portraits of Ray Charles, Dinah Washington and B.B. King are included in the collection of the National Portrait Gallery. Through Oct. 8. The Baltimore Eagle Art Gallery, 2022 N. Charles St. Call 410-200-9858 or visit

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