Metro Weekly

Man threatens to carry out Pulse-style attack against Casa Ruby

Community center's founder says the man making the threats is the former abusive partner of one of their clients

pulse, casa ruby, attack, shelter
Inside Casa Ruby headquarters – Photo: Facebook

The Metropolitan Police Department is investigating a threat against Casa Ruby, a community nonprofit that provides support and social services to LGBTQ people and immigrants.

Ruby Corado, the founder and executive director of Casa Ruby, says that police have issued a search warrant for a man described as the abusive former partner of one of the community center’s clients.

Corado posted screenshots of a conversation on Facebook on Sunday. In those screenshots, the man allegedly told the client, “You are going to be history,” and said that if she did not go out with him again he would “kill people like in Orlando, Florida,” a reference to the Pulse nightclub massacre that killed 49 people, most of whom were members of the Latinx LGBTQ community, and injured 53 others.

Specifically, the texts seem to reference Noa Noa nightclub and Noche Ardiente nightclub, and Casa Ruby as possible places where he would carry out such a massacre.

All three establishments are located along in Georgia Avenue, in the Brightwood and Shepherd Park neighborhoods.

A screenshot of the alleged threats – Photo: Ruby Corado.

“I think Casa Ruby first because you said she put me in the news,” another message reads.

“This Guy Just Made Threats Online Stating That He Will Execute A Massacre Florida Style At Casa Ruby LGBT Community Center and @ Other LGBTQ Establishments,” Corado posted to her timeline. “If you see him Call 911. He is A Threat to Society!”

Corado told CBS affiliate WUSA9 that she spoke to police on Sunday about the threat, and they launched an investigation.

This isn’t the first time that Casa Ruby or its clients have been on the receiving end of threats. Last year, a man drove up to an employee outside the center, demanded a sex act, and displayed a weapon.

In 2017, a man wearing a face covering attacked and maced a transgender woman at the center’s old Georgia Avenue location, closer to Howard University.

Prior to that, a second man had entered Casa Ruby and was hitting on some of the transgender youth. When they didn’t respond to his advances, he punched a hole in the wall — on two separate occasions.

A third man was charged with vandalism after he hit on some of the center’s clients, assaulted a staffer, and, after being kicked out, threw a large concrete brick through the front glass door.

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