Metro Weekly

Trump supporter caught in anti-gay tirade during lockdown protest

"Skincare Karen" called counter-protester a "f****t," a "Nazi," and a "Satanist"

gina bisignano, skincare, karen, homophobia, trump, los angeles
Gina Michelle Bisignano — Photo: TMZ

The Trump-supporting owner of a skincare business in Los Angeles claims she has been “attacked online” after she was filmed engaging in an anti-gay gay rant during a lockdown protest.

Gina Michelle Bisignano, owner of Gina’s Eyelashes And Skincare in Beverly Hills, attended a protest outside L.A. County Department of Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer’s home this week, TMZ reports.

Around 50 people attended the protest, which seemed to be directed at the economic impact of California’s attempts to curtail the coronavirus pandemic by imposing new restrictions.

While at the rally, Bisignano, dressed in a “Trump 2020” t-shirt, was filmed calling a counterprotester a “faggot.” Bisignano also called the person filming her a “Nazi” and a “new world order Satanist.”

“Say it again,” the person who captured the video said to Bisignano. Another man started talking about losing three jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic, to which the person filming responded, “What does that have to do with me being a faggot?”

“I wasn’t even talking to you, but yeah I’ll talk to you,” Bisignano responded. “You’re a faggot.”

She then asked, “What are you, a guy or a girl?”

Unfortunately for Bisignano, her homophobia led to a number of less-than-flattering reviews on the Yelp page for her business, Raw Story reports.

“Gina gets 1 star because she thinks COVID and the deaths of healthcare workers is less important than her business of doing eyelashes,” one person wrote. “Also, Gina hates faggots so this faggot is leaving a 1 star review all the way from NY. Go f*ck yourself Gina.”

Another added: “Covid Denying homophobe with a plastic face and filthy mouth, QAnon Trumpette. Spend your money elsewhere.”

In a sarcastic review, another Yelp user said they “always go to Ginas to look my best.”

“Whether it’s a big gala fundraiser for gay conversion camps or just staying in to relax and call the police on my black neighbors, I know I’ll be gorgeous and feel confident. Thanks Gina,” they wrote.

Another sarcastic review read: “This place is great. They help create the illusion of beauty on the outside, so I can hide all my hateful, Q conspiracies, and homophobia on the inside.”

Bisignano’s business was accused of being “racist and homophobic,” with the reviewer calling her a “horrendous creature that refuses to follow CDC guidelines, putting her customer base at large in danger.”

“Owner of this salon is a blatant racist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, conspiracy theorist, tar faced loser,” someone else posted.

Bisignano has yet to comment on her homophobic statements, but has instead painted herself as the victim in a Facebook post, writing, “I was attacked online.”


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