Metro Weekly

‘One of Us is Lying’ debuts on Peacock today

There are plenty of suspects to go around in this series based on the NYT bestseller.

ONE OF US IS LYING -- "One Of Us Is Grieving" Episode 102 -- Pictured: Cooper Van Grootel as Nate -- (Photo by: Nicola Dove/Peacock)
Cooper Van Grootel as Nate in One of Us Is Lying – Photo: Nicola Dove/Peacock

One of Us Is Lying makes its streaming debut on Peacock tonight, with the release of the three first episodes.

Based on the New York Times bestselling novel by Karen M. McManus, the show is a murder mystery set in a high school. It’s answers that age-old riddle of what happens when five students walk into detention and only four emerge alive.

There are plenty of suspects and motives to go around. And, according to various sources, the show contains LGBTQ content. (Well, it does have a character named Simon, after all.)

The eight-episode series will release three more episodes next Thursday, and the final two on Oct. 21.

The show stars Annalisa Cochrane, Chibuikem Uche, Marianly Tejada, Cooper Van Grootel, Barrett Carnahan, Mark McKenna, Melissa Collazo, Jessica McLeod and is produced by Darío Madrona, Erica Saleh, John Sacchi, and Matt Groesch.

Watch the trailer below and stream the first three episodes for free here.

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