Metro Weekly

Billy Porter Is ‘Looking For An English Huzzzband’ Post-Divorce

Just a short time after announcing his divorce, Billy Porter says he's single and ready to mingle.

Billy Porter — Photo: Shavonne Wong

Renowned actor and singer Billy Porter made headlines last month when he shared the news of his amicable divorce from his husband of six years, Adam Smith. The announcement came as a surprise to many fans who had followed their journey as a couple. Now, he’s talking about what life may look like following the split, and he seems to have a sense of humor about the unfortunate situation.

During an exclusive interview with the Evening Standard in London, Porter lightened the mood by humorously talking about the separation. “The whole world knows I’m getting a divorce. Y’all want to talk about my divorce and Ricky Martin’s at the same time?” Earlier this summer, Martin also announced that he and his husband of several years are going their separate ways.

“I’m looking forward to the next adventure,” Porter proclaimed in the chat. “She’s back on the market, looking for an English huzzzband.” He then added, in typical Porter style, “And you have to spell it just like that: ‘Huzzzband’.”

Porter then also revealed that the visit to London, where he was staying, offered him a much-needed break from some other, unnamed things happening in his life. While there are certainly upsides for him being in the city, he described the experience as “bittersweet,” alluding to the fact that he had proposed to Smith there years prior.

Despite the end of their marital journey, Porter shared that he will always hold a special place in his heart for his ex-husband. “We made it as far as we could but we learn, we grow, and we live,” he remarked.

Porter’s relationship with Smith had spanned an impressive 14 years before their separation. Their love story began in 2009, and they were married on January 14, 2017.

Currently, Porter finds himself in a period of hiatus from his bustling career. Hollywood’s landscape has been affected by a strike started by actors and writers and against the studios and other power players, resulting in a temporary standstill. The industry-wide negotiations center around several concessions demanded by these creative professionals, who are looking to make a living from their art.

Once the strike is resolved, Porter is set to return to the spotlight, taking on the role of a legendary figure in a biographical film about James Baldwin. The movie was announced months ago, and it’s something he has reportedly been trying to get off the ground for years.

While staying in London, Porter is channeling his creative energies into producing the Tony Award-winning musical, A Strange Loop, for the West End. He was credited as a producer on the Broadway version, which won him his second Tony.

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