Metro Weekly

‘Heartstopper’ Star Joe Locke Officially Comes Out

The star of the Netflix romance show has finally stated what many have known for years.

Joe Locke (
Joe Locke –

Heartstopper is back with a second season, and its two stars — Joe Locke and Kit Connor — have been promoting the show heavily, hoping to ensure that the latest run of episodes are just as successful as the first.

In an exclusive interview that coincided with the highly-anticipated release of season two, Locke and Connor sat down with Teen Vogue to discuss not only their on-screen chemistry but also their personal journey and camaraderie.

Amid the excitement surrounding the series’ return, Locke took the opportunity to publicly address a topic that had often been speculated upon but never explicitly confirmed: his sexuality.

In a candid and heartfelt conversation, Locke shared, “People have assumed and written it, and I haven’t ever corrected anyone because I haven’t felt the need to. But I’ve never specifically stated my sexuality.”

The 19-year-old then said the words, revealing, “I have been openly gay since I was, like, 12.”

The actor’s path toward openness began early, and it’s a testament to his strength and resilience that he shared his sexuality at such a young age.

In another recent conversation with New York Times, Locke offered a unique perspective on the process of coming out. He dismissed the notion as “stupid,” which is a growing idea among many who identify as part of the LGBTQ community.

Reflecting on his own journey, Locke recounted a pivotal moment in his adolescence.

At the age of 12, he shared his truth with his mother, an act that left him feeling empowered and “on top of the world.” Yet, the path toward authenticity is often marked by twists and turns.

At the time, Locke shared the news on Instagram, but the announcement on social media was followed by a moment of reticence.

“So I quickly deleted it and said my Instagram had been hacked,” he said. “I went back in the closet for three years.”

He then admitted that when he retold all of his friends, they responded, simply, “Yeah, you told us two years ago.”

On screen, Locke and Connor bring their remarkable chemistry to life as Charlie and Nick in the acclaimed Netflix teen series.

The show was immensely popular when it arrived last year, finding its way into the hearts of audiences worldwide. The second season takes viewers on a romantic journey as the couple navigates their burgeoning relationship, as Nick embarks on his own journey of coming out while Charlie grapples with his mental well-being.

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