Metro Weekly

Ne-Yo Stands Firm on His Views Regarding Trans Kids

The Grammy-winning musician apologized for his ignorant comments about gender identity. And then took it back.

Ne-Yo (
Ne-Yo –

In the past few days, Grammy-winning artist Ne-Yo has found himself at the center of a controversy after his comments on transgender children ignited a heated debate.

The musician initially seemed to express remorse for the initial statements that got him in trouble in the first place, but in a subsequent video posted to his Instagram, he clarified his position, reiterating his concerns and asserting his right to his own viewpoint.

The controversy began after Ne-Yo’s interview with Gloria Velez on VladTV, during which he shared his thoughts on parents’ roles in guiding their children’s decisions about gender identity.

He argued that parents have a responsibility to prevent their children from making what he referred to as a “life-changing decision” about their gender at a young age. This assertion, along with his comparison of trans identity to “identifying as a goldfish,” drew considerable and understandable backlash from the LGBTQ community and its allies.

In response to the backlash, Ne-Yo took to social media to express what appeared to be an apology.

He wrote, “Gender identity is nuanced and I can honestly admit that I plan to better educate myself on the topic, so I can approach future conversations with more empathy. At the end of the day, I lead with love and support everyone’s freedom of expression and pursuit of happiness.”

That apology may have appeased some, but it didn’t last long.

The apparently now-deleted post has been quickly contradicted, and it seems that the musician isn’t sorry at all. In fact, he’s doubling down.

Ne-Yo’s more recent Instagram video painted a different picture from his initial apology.

He explained that his Sunday statement was drafted by his publicist and did not accurately convey his true sentiments.

The artist affirmed his right to hold and express his thoughts. “If my opinion offended somebody, yeah, sure, I apologize for you being offended because that wasn’t my intention,” he stated in a non-apology. “My intention is never to offend anybody.”

Ne-Yo emphasized that he does not harbor any ill will toward the LGBTQ community and firmly asserted that everyone should feel free to make their own choices.

But, he clarified, “I will never be OK with allowing a child to make a decision that is detrimental to their life. I will never be OK with that.” He acknowledged his intention to continue to educate himself further on the matter while maintaining his personal convictions.

The singer concluded his video by acknowledging the possibility of being “canceled” for his opinions and expressed his willingness to accept the consequences.

He reassured his audience that he loves and supports everyone, despite differing viewpoints. Ne-Yo also shared his commitment to his children’s well-being and asserted that discussions about gender identity should only occur when they are “mentally mature enough” to engage in them, by which he means when they’re legal adults.

The ongoing debate surrounding Ne-Yo’s comments highlights the complex and sensitive nature of discussions about gender identity, particularly regarding children. While some argue that children should have the agency to explore and express their gender identity from a young age, others, like Ne-Yo, believe that certain decisions should be reserved until they are older and better equipped to make informed choices.

One thing is clear, though: Ne-Yo isn’t sorry for what he said, even if it offended people and is, at the end of the day, stupid and ill-informed.

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