Metro Weekly

Watch Big Brother U.K. Contestant Come Out as Trans

'Big Brother U.K.' contestant Hallie recently came out as trans to her housemates in a powerful and moving moment on the show.

Hallie from Big Brother U.K. (ITV)
Hallie from Big Brother U.K. – ITV

In a heartfelt and candid moment on the October 9 episode of Big Brother U.K., contestant Hallie revealed her truth to her fellow housemates. In the latest episode, the 18-year-old came out as a trans woman to the rest of the people in the reality TV staple’s home in a brave move.

Hallie’s housemates responded with an outpouring of support, and the moment was met with warm words and embraces.


“Hey guys, I just have something to say. Yesterday I feel like I wasn’t being 100 percent authentic in myself,” Hallie started, according to a clip from the show posted on the series’s official Twitter.  “I thought I’d let everyone know I’m trans, if you didn’t know already.”

Unflinching, she continued, “I just thought I’d make that loud and clear. I’m a trans woman if you didn’t know. Just wanted to bring that up.”

The response from her housemates was immediate and affirming, with various other contestants saying, “Good for you” and “Thanks for sharing.” Hallie was welcomed with open arms, and her courage was acknowledged by her peers, some of whom came over to hug her.

As the conversation continued, Hallie shared that should she win the show, it is her intention to use the prize money for her gender transition. In a conversation with her housemate Kerry, also aired on TV, Hallie was asked about her plans for a full transition.

“Yeah, if I win, I’m gonna get a vagina, designer vagina,” she responded with a smile, using a phrase some trans people like to throw around in a fun manner. “That’s what I want. And I’m gonna pay my mum back for all the years she paid for my treatment.” 

Her sincerity made Kerry and fellow housemate Jenkin become emotional. Kerry responded empathetically, asking, “How much are we talking for you to get a fanny,” using a common British slang term for female genitalia. Hallie replied, “About 30 grand.” Kerry was shocked at the price tag.

Hallie eloquently summed up the experience of being a transgender individual by commenting that as a trans person, “The mind doesn’t match the body… I have a female mind, but the body just doesn’t match.”

This moment of openness and vulnerability on Big Brother U.K. is a powerful reminder of the significance of individuals sharing their authentic selves with the world. Hallie’s journey and the support she received from her housemates are a testament to the evolving conversations surrounding gender identity and the growing understanding and acceptance of transgender experiences.

Hopefully, viewers in the U.K., which is currently becoming a terrible place for trans people to live, see this story and learn something from Hallie and the reaction of her fellow cast members.

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