Metro Weekly

Capital Pride Launches Pride365 Mobile App

The iOS and Android app notifies users about upcoming LGBTQ parties, fundraisers, or political events that suit their tastes.

A screenshot of events from the Pride365 mobile app

On the night leading into Capital Pride’s biggest weekend, as various clubs throughout D.C. were opening the doors for Pride-themed parties, the Capital Pride Alliance announced the launch of a mobile app that will allow users to remain informed about the latest LGBTQ events in the greater Washington, D.C. area.

The free iOs and Android app, known as “Pride365,” is intended to serve as a go-to resource for all LGBTQ gatherings, events, or networking opportunities.

Users will be able to customize their experiences by highlighting events, businesses, nonprofits, and volunteer opportunities that interest them.

The app, available on Google and Apple, allows users to create a private profile and mark their interests or community activities.

Based on those selections, the app will then recommend similar events or gatherings that may interest users, or businesses that provide certain products or services based on users’ individual likes.

Once users have selected events that they are interested in, the app creates weekly and monthly itineraries and synchs them with a user’s phone calendars, sending them reminders of upcoming events or highlighting community goings-on. 

The database of ongoing LGBTQ events will be continuously updated throughout the year.

“We are proud to launch the Pride365 app for our community and through it, increase participation in year-round LGBTQ+ events and engagement with local affirming businesses, organizations, and critical volunteer opportunities,” Ryan Bos, executive director of Capital Pride Alliance, said in a statement.

“The best part of the Pride365 app is that it directly reflects our beautifully unique and diverse LGBTQ+ community,” Michael Edmonson, the co-chair of the WorldPride Technology Committee, said in a statement. “Whether you are looking for family-friendly events, concerts and nightlife, sporting and outdoor activities, or educational and volunteer opportunities, the Pride365 app ensures you never miss an event and stay engaged with the groups and organizations you’re most passionate about.”

The Pride365 app can be downloaded at

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