Metro Weekly

George Santos Offers Himself Up on OnlyFans

The gay expelled Congressman who won't go away turns to the adult-oriented site to push "politics" to monthly subscribers.

George Santos on Only Fans - Photo: Official Portrait
George Santos on Only Fans – Photo: Official Portrait

While there are any number of ways to celebrate June as LGBTQ Pride month, the infamously gay former GOP congressional representative George Santos chose this month to add himself to the ranks of OnlyFans’ offerings.

While the site is best known for its adult erotica, both professional and amateur, of any and all orientations, Santos says he’ll be using the platform for politics.

For $29.99 per month, subscribers to Santos’s OnlyFans will “be able to dive deep into the exclusive never before seen content of the Congressional Icon and much more!”

Or, purchase three months of access to Santos and receive a 10 percent discount.

Santos announced this new endeavor on X, stating, “The moment you’ve all been waiting for! Only on #OnlyFans will you get the full behind the scenes access to everything I’m working on. see ya all there!” 

The move follows Santos’s earlier efforts on Cameo, both as himself and his drag alter ego, Kitara Ravache.

The Cameo platform is designed for celebrities, loosely defined, to sell short, personalized videos.

Comedian and late-night TV host Jimmy Kimmel showcased Santos videos in way Santos has alleged was deceptive. He sued Kimmel.

Kimmel has also taken an interest in Santos’s OnlyFans enterprise, joking on his show that the “saddest part” of the effort is that he’ll likely be the only one subscribing to it.

“Finally, we will get full behind the scenes access to everything he’s working on… which is nothing,” Kimmel said. “George said he wouldn’t be doing ‘anything sexual whatsoever’ on his OnlyFans, but you can see it all for only $29.99 a month.”

Adding a small irony to Santos joining the platform, the 2023 congressional report on the then-congressman’s conduct mentioned the platform specifically. 

“After the $50,000 from RedStone was deposited into Representative Santos’ personal accounts,” a portion of the report reads, mentioning a Florida-based LLC for which Santos was a managing partner, “the funds were used to, among other things: pay down personal credit card bills and other debt, make a $4,127.80 purchase at Hermes; and for smaller purchases at Only Fans; Sephora; and for meals and parking.”

Following that report, the House of Representatives voted late last year to expel Santos from Congress, 311-114. Santos faces 23 federal counts, accused of crimes such as money laundering and credit card fraud.

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