Metro Weekly

JoJo Siwa is Moving On from Her Flop Single

JoJo Siwa is teasing her next single, "Choose Ur Fighter," shortly after her most recent song "Karma" failed to become a real hit.

JoJo Siwa - Photo: Columbia Records
JoJo Siwa – Photo: Columbia Records

2024 was supposed to be the year of JoJo Siwa. The TV star, dancer, and musician is aiming to grow out of her kid-friendly image and gain an adult following, and she’s doing so by switching up her sound and using more sexualized imagery.

Siwa clearly had a plan for this new chapter of her career, and while things aren’t going as well as she and her team surely hoped they would, the multi-talented star isn’t letting a few setbacks get her down.

Siwa is currently teasing her next single, “Choose Ur Fighter,” but so far, not much else is known about the song. The singer hasn’t shared a release date, nor any lengthy snippets that could give her following a sense of what it will sound like.

“Choose Ur Fighter” comes only a short time after Siwa released her latest single, which was propped up to become a smash. “Karma” was hinted at, teased, and promoted heavily for weeks before it finally arrived. By the time it did drop, it proved to be a disappointment.

“Karma” failed to become the chart hit that Siwa was aiming for. The tune didn’t reach the Hot 100, Billboard’s main ranking of the most-consumed songs in the U.S. It was a minor win on some of the dance and electronic tallies, but that’s not the kind of success that Siwa, now signed to major label Columbia Records, needs.

While some musicians might see the writing on the wall and move on, Siwa isn’t slowing down. In fact, not only is she continuing to work and create more music, she doesn’t seem all that upset about the lackluster response that “Karma” earned.

In a recently-shared video–which was quietly soundtracked by a small portion of “Choose Ur Fighter,” Siwa spoke about the reaction to “Karma” and her thoughts on the controversy… if it can even be called that.

“For the last few weeks the world has been fucking brutal,” the singer stated, adding, “they’ve been talking so much shit.” Through a smile, she commented that despite it all, she simply doesn’t “give a fuck.”

Siwa started her career on the reality series Dance Moms, where she was first recognized as a dancer. Her star power was seen by many, and she quickly moved to Nickelodeon, where she appeared in a number of shows and films. Since then, she’s started her own media empire and become a celebrity in her own right.

In 2021, Siwa opened up about her personal life, stating that she was attracted to women. Though she hasn’t focused on labeling her sexuality, she has exclusively dated females for several years now, and she’s been very open about her love life and her joy at being a member of the LGBTQ community.

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