Metro Weekly

Tucker Carlson Implies Tim Walz is Secretly Gay

The former Fox host told Megyn Kelly he thought the Democratic Party was forcing the vice-presidential candidate to stay closeted.

Tucker Carlson appearing on Megyn Kelly’s Sirius XM show – Photo: YouTube

Tucker Carlson has asserted that Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz is secretly gay and being forced to remain in the closet by the Democratic Party.

The former Fox News host appeared on Megyn Kelly’s SiriusXM show and implied that the Democratic nominee for vice president is gay because he gesticulates emphatically during campaign appearances.

Kelly played a clip of Walz gesturing and bowing and posing for pictures with Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers at a campaign rally.

“I’m just gonna say, I don’t know any man who behaves like that,” Kelly said. 

“Come on, I mean, come on,” Carlson said. “I don’t want to be mean, and also I don’t want to say things I can’t prove, but like let’s — let’s be real.”

“I’m never going to take another lecture about gay rights from these people, like, ‘Oh, you hate gays and you keep them all in the closet or whatever,'” Carlson ranted. “If you’re so for gay rights then that would mean that any member of your party who’s gay would feel free to say so in public and would not be pretending not to be gay. I’m just saying.”

Carlson complained about the alleged air of “falseness” that Walz, who is married and has two children, presumably sends to those who see him on the campaign trail.

Carlson then claimed he respected other people’s private lives — without a hint of irony, even though he was the one who began the speculation, presumably to appeal to Kelly’s right-leaning audience with gay-baiting canards about how men are supposed to behave.

Carlson accused Democrats of being obsessed with “sex” and “sexual orientation.”

Walz has never identified as a member of the LGBTQ community, though he has been immensely supportive, backing same-sex marriage as a candidate for Congress in 2006, and having served as a faculty sponsor of his high school’s Gay-Straight Alliance.

Carlson and Kelly’s speculation about Walz’s behavior and mannerisms isn’t new within right-wing circles. Fox News host Jesse Waters claimed in August that Walz is insufficiently masculine because of the way he waves to crowds.

“Here’s twitchy Tim on stage, waving profusely in a very unsettling matter, very unsettling. Men should not move this way. It’s not the way we move,” Watters said.

Watters has gone off on male politicians — including Walz and President Joe Biden — for using straws while drinking, claiming that using straws is insufficiently masculine because he is disturbed by the way a man’s lips purse when drinking from them.

Many MAGA pundits view Walz as insufficiently masculine, not only for taking second-shrift to a female running mate, but because he supports LGBTQ rights, reproductive freedom, gun reform, and worker’s rights — all of which conservatives oppose.

Watch Carlson’s full remarks to Kelly below:

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