Chris Allen: Dear President Trump - Metro Weekly
Metro Weekly

Chris Allen: Dear President Trump

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Dear President Trump,

Congratulations on becoming the 45th President of the United States of America!

Against the odds, many polls, and obstacles from every direction, you stunned the world by rewriting (and retweeting) the old campaign book with new tactics, a keen grasp and understanding of effective, modern communications, and strategic voter targeting. While your victory on November 8th was historic and monumental, a much greater task of bringing our divided country together lies ahead. Your business acumen and mastery of deal-making are great strengths to help you achieve this for our country and all Americans.

As a Republican, continue to set an example for other Republicans regarding their views on LGBT issues as you did in your convention speech in Cleveland when you said, “As your president, I will do everything in my power to protect our LGBTQ citizens from the violence and oppression of a hateful foreign ideology.” Supporting our community and making sexual orientation a non-issue within the GOP is the direction our party needs and is consistent with our party’s principles of limited government and individual liberty.

As a businessman, continue to remind states that anti-LGBT laws are bad for business as you did when North Carolina passed HB2. Lead by example, as you did in your personal businesses, by hiring and appointing the best qualified people regardless of anything else. Continue to enforce the executive order that bans LGBT discrimination with federal contractors, and work with Congress to pass similar a nationwide bill.

As an accomplished dealmaker, lead Congress toward fixing our healthcare system to actually become affordable for all Americans. Find common ground to create more jobs, enact fair regulations that protect Americans but don’t strangle small businesses, and craft a tax code that encourages businesses to stay and leaves more money in our pockets. Guide our leaders to break the gridlock in Washington, modernize our military with 21st century technologies to combat new and growing cyber threats, and accomplish what leaders from both sides have been unable to do and reign in our astounding national debt.

On the world stage, make smart deals that continue to promote our ideals, collaborate with our allies so that power vacuums don’t form and allow extremists to advance and grow, and achieve peace at home and abroad by projecting strength and tactful diplomacy.

There are many of us supporting you starting on day one, but others will need more convincing. Overwhelm our country with such great leadership so that when you leave office, the world will anxiously await your guidance in your biggest best seller of all time: The Art of Governing.

Good luck and best wishes,

Chris Allen

DC Log Cabin Republicans

Read more Letters to Trump:

The opinions expressed in these letters are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of their organizations and this magazine, its staff and contributors.

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