Metro Weekly

Smithsonian Folklife Festival explores American identity and creativity

Runs through Sunday, July 9

Folklife Festival

For its 50th anniversary, the annual festival on the mall explores American identity and creativity.

Highlights include a view into the ever-evolving field of “Circus Arts” via daily performances in a Big Top tent, a circus school in the Arts and Industries Building and hands-on activities for visitors; the more politically charged “On The Move” program, in which hip-hop artists, muralists and poetry slam artists, among others, will discuss themes of immigration and migration from new and diverse perspectives, and a series of evening concerts and dance parties starting at 5:30 p.m. with performers including BeauSoleil, Los Texmaniacs, the Chuck Brown Band and Los Pleneros de la 21.

Runs through Sunday, July 9. The National Mall, between 7th and 12th Streets NW. Call 202-633-1000 or for event details and schedule.

Folklife Festival

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