Metro Weekly

Gay porn studio stops production amid COVID-19 pandemic

Charged Media says "health and safety" of its employees takes precedence to producing new scenes

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Photo: Nickjake876, via Wikimedia.

As the world is reeling from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, even the adult film industry isn’t safe.

Miami-based gay porn studio Charged Media — which produces the Say Uncle network of “role-playing” films, including Family Dick, Brother Crush, Latin Leche, Young Perps, Missionary Boys, Black Godz, and Yes Father — has suspended production due to the threat of the COVID-19 virus.

As first reported by The Advocate, the CEO of Charged Media released a statement announcing the halt to production.

“Everyone at Charged Media is being proactive to minimize risk and spread,” Mars, the CEO of Charged Meida, said in a statement. “Our hearts go out to everyone who is affected by COVID-19. While we wish we could continue making incredible porn for our fans, the health and safety of our employees, as well as the nation, is our first priority.”

But porn viewers isolated or quarantined at home will not be left without new content, the statement noted.

Instead, according to Mars, the company will be airing previously unreleased footage “so customers can still enjoy all the newness they’ve come to love.”

Thus far, no other porn studios have announced they are stopping production.

Lucas Entertainment, a competing studio, has a message on its website saying that physical shipping of videos will be delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but digital content on it websites will not be impacted.

Read more:

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