Metro Weekly

A DJ at his Apex

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It’s not every weekend DC gets graced by the “It” DJ on the gay circuit. New York-based Joe ”Easy for You to Say” Gauthreaux is, after all, only here every few months — and again tonight at Apex. Gauthreaux is the circuit’s most in-demand DJ in large measure because he generally prefers music that’s happy and joyous, a return of sorts to the music of a decade ago and beyond. He just shined at Miami’s Winter Party on the beach, and next up, he’ll lighten New York’s Black Party, closing it on a Sunday afternoon. He’ll also headline and hallelujah at New York Pride and gay Disney’s One Mighty Party, among others. He’s like Visa — he’s almost everywhere you wanna be.

Tomorrow night at Apex, expect him to play many of the up-up-up tracks from his new Winter Party 2008 compilation, which features many of the songs that were everywhere in Miami during Winter Party, from ”The Boss” to ”I’m Not Featuring You” to ”The Flame” to ”Don’t Stop The Music.” Actually, Rihanna’s not on here, but clearly her fantastic sampling of Michael Jackson is what compelled The Caramel Club to do the same on ”Mama Say Mama Sa,” which also gets some (uncredited) life from the nearly decade-old house classic ”Get Get Down” by Paul Johnson. Expect him to play those, and hopefully others, chief among them the latest from Peyton, from the British Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. The American-born preacher’s kid never fails to deliver sweet gay-positive, gospel-informed club hits, this time. Please, please: ”Never Give Up”….

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