Metro Weekly

Log Cabin defends Sarah Palin’s use of ‘choice’ to describe gay friend’s orientation

”Gov. Palin didn’t ramble uncomfortably about a ‘lifestyle’ or use the opportunity to reiterate her opposition to marriage for gay couples. She didn’t use the opportunity to express opposition to any gay rights legislation. Gay Democrats are pouncing on her use of the word ‘choice’ in talking about gay people. But, when asked the direct question by Charlie Gibson in a previous interview whether people choose to be gay, she said she didn’t know. Again, I think that’s where the vast majority of Americans are on this issue-they simply don’t know whether people choose to be gay. We know that people don’t ‘choose’ their sexual orientation and we’ll continue educating all Republicans about that issue.”

Scott Tucker, communications director for the Log Cabin Repulicans, a gay political group, defending Alaska governor Sarah Palin‘s indication that an unnamed friend ”made a choice” to be gay. The taped TV interview was aired on CBS News. Log Cabin Republicans only endorse Republican candidates and have indeed found both John McCain and Sarah Palin worthy of endorsement for president and vice president. (ThinkProgress)

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