Metro Weekly

Obama’s black voters to get credit, blame if gay-marriage overturned in California [video]

”We thank Barack Obama, even if he’s not supporting it, for helping us. We think it’s going to push us over the top .”

Sonja Eddings Brown of ”Protect Marriage,” an organization that seeks to overturn gay marriage in California through Proposition 8. She’s relying on religious black voters to turn up to vote for Obama and then to also vote for the measure to ban gay marriage again in that state. (CBS News Video)

”Marriage has always been defined between a man and a woman…. We then want to support Yes on Proposition 8, okay? … This issue is more important than who gets to be the President of the United States to me. And to many of our Christian believers.”

Edward Smith, the pastor of the African-American church, Zoe Christian Fellowship in Los Angeles, is actively advocating from the pulpit for his members to overturn gay marriage. (CBS News Video)

”We were once denied the right to marry a person of another race. Anytime government intervenes and tells you what you can or cannot do, it’s a denial of your rights.”

Alice A. Huffman, President of the California NAACP, whose organization is trying to mobilize African-American voters against the ban because they see it as a civil rights issue, but they’re finding difficulty with religious members of the black community who cannot reconcile gay rights with Biblical passages. (CBS News Video)

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