Metro Weekly

Gay bishop, Gene Robinson, invited to speak Sunday at Obama’s Inauguration kickoff [video]

”I am writing to tell you that President-Elect Obama and the Inaugural Committee have invited me to give the invocation at the opening event of the Inaugural Week activities, We are One, to be held at the Lincoln Memorial…. I am humbled and overjoyed at this invitation, and it will be my great honor to be there representing the Episcopal Church, the people of New Hampshire, and all of us in the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community.”

Portion of an e-mail sent to friends by the Reverend Gene Robinson. (Citizen Times)

””The president-elect has respect for the Rt. Rev. Robinson, who offered his advice and counsel over the past couple of years. It also has the benefit of further reinforcing our commitment to an open and inclusive inaugural.”

From a statement made by an inaugural official associated with the upcoming ceremonies for President-elect Barack Obama. Gene Robinson is known as being the first openly-gay Episcopal Bishop and his appointment was seen as extremely controversial within the larger Anglican Church. His inclusion by the Obama inaugural committee comes on the heels of mass criticism directed at the President-elect for inviting Evangelical pastor, Rick Warren, who spoke several times in favor of Proposition 8 and likened gay marriage to polygamy and marriage to children. (Politico)

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