Metro Weekly

Gay Super Bars

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Ready for a recount? This Sunday at the Super Bowl, it's Obama versus McCain all over again. (Technically, it's more Biden v. McCain — and who knows who would win that match-up?) Go Steelers! Of course, it's not politics or political at all — silly Hearsay! — so you can be a Democrat — you can even be gay! — and root for Arizona. Go Cardinals!

And if you're not doing the straight thing and throwing a chips-and-dip house party to watch the Super Bowl on Sunday, then go gay and strip with Chip — if you're so lucky. Otherwise, watch the game at one of the many gay watering holes that will be showing the game. Where else can you fully appreciate Jennifer "Acting’s Not Really My Thing" Hudson singing the National Anthem? Nellie's is living up to the sports bar in its name this weekend, screening the game throughout the venue, and offering cheap grub — $5 cheese quesadillas! — in the pub. Don't forget to the $20 bucket of beer with chicken wings. If you want a darker, burlier experience, try the D.C. Eagle, offering happy hour prices and buffet food from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. The crowds at JR.'s, Green Lantern and the Duplex Diner will likely tune in to the game at least during the ads (Exhibit 1: How You Know You're Watching the Super Bowl At a Gay Bar) and Hudson's performance (Exhibit 2), not to mention the halftime show, with Bruce “No, I’m Not Jewish” Springsteen (Exhibit 3) Same goes for Jack's, perfect if you crave a more mixed-crowd, straight/gay. But if you've had enough scrimmaging in this town and are looking to kick it with a new quarterback or tight-end, there's always Baltimore's Hippo. The Hippo's saloon will open at 4 p.m. for its Super Bowl party featuring free popcorn and hot dogs. Free, you say? Touchdown!…

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