Metro Weekly

Bay City Rollers singer reveals hidden gay life & more

”I’ve been a bit of a George Michael, meeting people, often strangers, for sex. Not in public toilets – I’m not big on the unhygienic side of things. These days you’d meet online and figure out a place where to meet – your place or mine…. The thing about the date-rape – that was the biggest part of the shame,’ he told cameras. I actually enjoyed it at the time. What was happening to me was was a bit of a turn-on…. The knock-on effect of my feeling pleasure out of that event is that I found myself attracted to men every now and again.”

Les McKeown, former lead singer of the Scottish 1970s band Bay City Rollers which is best known for their hit ”S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y Night.” He has been married for 30 years but just revealed in a TV interview that he’s had a dozen male lovers over the years, following a confusing date rape that occurred when he was just 19. His wife and son said they were somewhat shocked at the news but remained supportive. (The Daily Mail)

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