Metro Weekly

Teenagers Attack Gay Couple, Threaten to Rape Their Dog

A gay couple in Ireland was attacked by a group of teenagers who kicked and threw rocks at them while shouting anti-gay slurs.

A still from the video of Irish teenagers attacking and throwing stones at a gay couple while hurling anti-gay slurs at them. – Photo: Ivan Miadini.

A gay couple was attacked by a group of teenagers in Drogheda, Ireland, on June 18, while out walking their dog.

The couple was walking near Saint Dominic’s Park, near the outskirts of town, when the teens began throwing stones at the couple while hurling anti-gay slurs at them and even threatening to rape their dog.

The teens also punched and kicked the couple during the attack, calling them “f*****s and queers,” breaking at least one of the men’s nose during the attack according to the Irish Mirror.

Ivan Miadini, one of the husbands, filmed the incident on his cell phone. 

“They started throwing punches and rocks, even bigger rocks,” Miadini told Michael Reade, a local radio host. “It all happened so fast, like in a minute. The vitriol, the things that they were saying became worse, even accusing us of being pedophiles.”

The Garda, the Irish National Police, are aware of the incident, but the couple has yet to file an official complaint.

“I didn’t film with the intention of sharing it with the Garda,” Miadini told the Irish Mirror. “I am sharing this with various outlets with people I know to share it among themselves so we can find out who these people are and see what their situation is.

“I really want to know before taking this further down the line,” he added.

A source within the Garda told DublinLive that the video was “shocking.” They said they hope the couple will file a formal complaint against the attackers. 

“These teenage gangs should not get away with this. There is no excuse for such vile homophobic and racist abuse,” the source said.

The couple has since spoken with local politician Imelda Munster, a Sinn Fein TD representing the Louth constituency.

Munster condemned the attacks. “These are two law-abiding citizens going out for a walk with their dog when they are attacked in broad daylight because of who they are,” she said. 

“It was a horrible experience for them and absolutely wrong. Who do these gang of thugs think they are? They must be tracked down and brought to justice for what they did,” added Munster. “Under no circumstances should these thugs get away with this. It was a frightening incident and everyone in Drogheda is shocked and angry.”

Ireland has seen a surge in anti-LGBTQ attacks in recent years. Last month, a 14-year-old boy was attacked by five other teenagers for being gay. He sustained serious facial injuries and broken teeth in the attack. However, all five attackers were released from police custody without being charged, according to the Irish Times.

While anti-LGBTQ attacks in Ireland spiked last year, a comprehensive reform bill aimed at curbing hate crimes has recently passed the Dáil. It now heads to the Seanad, the second chamber of Ireland’s bicameral legislature. If the bill passes the Seanad, like in the United States, it would need to be signed into law by Ireland’s president.

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