Metro Weekly

Queer Scandals this week: Tila Tequila & the billionairess Casey Johnson, Iris Robinson and the teenager, Tiger Woods and other men? [video]

”During the time Casey & I were engaged(she lived with me BTW) Casey would tell me how much she DESPISED these 2 evil cunts! I am only posting this because I KNOW that my late Fiancee would be smiling in Heaven right now! I LOVE YOU BABY! I WILL CONTINUE TO FIGHT FOR YOU & SHOW THE WORLD WHAT YOU HAVE ALWAYS WANTED TO SHOW THEM! NOW THAT U ARE GONE, I WILL DO THIS WORK FOR YOU MY LOVE!”

Tila “Tequila” Nguyen, celebrity bisexual and former star of an MTV’s dating show, flaming Courtney Semel and Jazmine Leonard online for allegedly speaking badly about her engagement to the late Casey Johnson. Ms Johnson, an heir to multi-billion dollar Johnson & Johnson fortunes, was found dead last week. Just recently, Tila and Casey were seen smooching publicly on a red carpet and posting a video online about their somewhat sudden marriage engagement. According to RadarOnline, Courtney Semel had dated both Tila Tequila and Casey Johnson. Semel is the daughter of multi-millionaire Yahoo! CEO Terry Semel. Casey Johnson’s cause of death has not yet been determined but most media reports indicate she was a diabetic who’s life was complicated by addiction issues and strained family relations. (Tila Hotspot) (RadarOnline)

”In place of the former image is now a picture of a woman who, it might be said, preyed on a teenage boy. When her very close friend, Billy McCambley, was dying of cancer he asked her to look after his son Kirk. She promised she would. After a time she seduced Kirk when she was 59 and he was 19 and vulnerable following the death of his father. Then she told him of a business opportunity, pointing out that Castle-reagh council was looking for someone to run the lock-keeper’s cottage. The fact that he had no money for start-up costs posed no problem for, with what looks like practised ease, she raised £50,000 from two local property developers. Interestingly, according to the BBC programme which brought all this to light, she herself held on to £5,000 of this, in cash…. After her dalliance with Kirk ended Iris seems to have brusquely demanded that he repay the money, and he made efforts to do so.”

The disturbing case of Iris Robinson, a British Member of Parliament from Northern Ireland. Her husband Peter Robinsonis also a prominent Member. According to many extensive articles about Ms Robinson, she recently declared herself mentally ill after being caught in a public financing scandal. It’s also reported that she attempted suicide after having her extra-marital affair with a teenage Kirk McCambley (now 21) who, incidentally, adds that he has has known Robinson since “an early age.” The reason this she is of interest to the gay community is for her vile, hateful and damaging remarks about gay people, saying homosexuality made her sick and promoting the ridiculous notion that “ex-gay therapy” can successfully convert gays to straight. She even advised one victim of a well-publicized gay bashing incident that he should seek conversion. Incredibly enough, she has repeatedly likened gays to child molesters. Her conservative Evangelical religious spew now appears to have been a smokescreen for her secretive lifestyle involving incredibly bad behavior on behalf of her own admittedly sick mind. (The Independent UK)

” has learned exclusively that Loredana has claimed she saw Tiger having sexual relationships with other men. That shocking twist is something no other mistress has claimed and there has been no proof.”

A seemingly inevitable rumor about golf champ Tiger Woods, alleged by one of his many alleged mistresses, Loredana Jolie Ferriolo, as she allegedly peddles her story for a $1 millon book. Woods, a mega millionaire himself, has had his private life exposed in daily headlines for more than a month now — since he and his wife were involved in an as-yet unexplained car crash on his property. That led to revelations that Woods had been engaging in multiple extra-marital affairs for some time. Although, RadarOnline does say “gay encounters” in this brief article, it’s not entirely clear from the allegation that the orgy-like behavior described is about Woods actually engaging in sex with men, or with him and other men on women, etc.(Radar Online)

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